Fetus measures between 45 and 84mm during this period of gestation. The advantages of performing first trimester scan at this gestation are the following :

  1. Assessment of gestational age of the fetus if not done earlier.
  2. Assess the growth of the fetus by measuring CRL.
  3. Diagnosis of major structural anomalies
    1. Anomalies that are always detectable during 11-14 wks scan are anencephaly, alobar holoprosencephaly, limb body wall complex, gastroschisis, omphalocele and megacystis.
  4. Measurement of Nuchal translucency (aneuploidy marker)
    Nuchal translucency scan in Vijayawada is the sonographic appearance of a collection of fluid under the skin behind the fetal neck in the first trimester of pregnancy. The NT scan should be done when you're between 11 and 13 wks 6days weeks period of gestation. CRL measurement should be between 45 and 84mm. NT thickness is increased in fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities, cardiac defects and many genetic syndromes. Hence, NT is used as a screening tool to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities. (aneuploidy screening)
    Most common chromosomal abnormality that is found in live births is Down syndrome or trisomy 21. Screening by NT alone can detect around 75% of DS babies.
    It is recommended that the sonologist performing NT scan should have obtained FMF certificate of competence in the Nuchal translucency scan
  5. Look for other aneuploidy markers like nasal bone, Tricuspid regurgitation, flow in ductus venosus
  6. Determination of Chorionicity and amnionicity in twins and higher order multiple pregnancies.

How is the nuchal translucency test done?

Nuchal translucency scan at best fetal medicine hospital in Vijayawada is performed trans abdominally in majority of cases. Transvaginal route may be required in a few cases such as poor visibility through abdomen due to high BMI, fibroid complicating pregnancy or unfavourable fetal position.

The sonographer will apply some gel and delicately move the ultrasound probe across your abdomen. It doesn't normally hurt.

If your scan is done transvaginally, a small, lubricated ultrasound probe is delicately placed into your vagina. The probe might be little uncomfortable but usually is not painful. Scans done this way can give more detailed pictures because the probe is nearer to your uterus.

If your scan is done transvaginally, a small, lubricated ultrasound probe is delicately placed into your vagina. The probe might be little uncomfortable but usually is not painful. Scans done this way can give more detailed pictures because the probe is nearer to your uterus.

Ultrasounds don't hurt you or your child or increase your risk of miscarriage.

Visit Dr. P. Madhavi Latha for gynecology hospital in Vijayawada.

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