How is CVS performed?

In CVS, trophoblastic cells from the placenta are aspirated under ultrasound guidance. It is usually done between the 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Transabdominal route is preferred by most of the fetal medicine experts. It can be performed at ultrasound scanning centers in Vijayawada by transvaginal route too.

Transabdominal CVS: Abdomen is cleaned and draped under aseptic conditions. Placenta is localised. Local anesthesia is given at the site of entry. 18G needle is introduced into the uterus under ultrasound guidance. 10 ml syringe with transport medium fluid is attached to the needle and negative suction is applied. Chorionic villi are aspirated with to and fro rocking movements of the needle under negative suction.

A minimum amount of 5 mg villi in each sample is required to achieve a valid result

Sampling failure is reported to occur in 2.5 - 4.8% of procedures Injection Anti-D is given to Rh negative mother within 24 hrs of performing procedure to prevent alloimmunization.

The CVS procedure is generally described as being uncomfortable in spite of the fact that you might encounter a few cramps that are similar to the period pains for a couple of hours a while later.

Consult Dr. P. Madhavi Latha for pregnancy scanning in Vijayawada

What are the advantages of chorionic villus sampling?

There are a few advantages of CVS testing:

  1. Accurate results: You can depend on CVS test results to make significant healthcare choices. For instance, you can get prepared for special treatment your baby might require immediately after birth. Or on the other hand you might choose not to proceed with the pregnancy.
  2. Offers diagnosis in first trimester: As procedure is performed by gynecologist in Vijayawada early in pregnancy, results are obtained early which facilitates early decision making.

What are the Complications of CVS procedure?:

  1. Procedure related fetal loss rate is 0.2 to 2%
  2. Vaginal bleeding in around 10%
  3. Amniotic fluid leak, chorioamnionitis are uncommon.

Plausible risk factors for fetal loss:

  1. Fibroids
  2. Advanced maternal age
  3. Uterine malformations
  4. Chorioamniotic separation
  5. Retrochorionic hematoma
  6. Previous or current maternal bleeding
  7. Retroverted uterus
  8. Post-procedure persistent fetal bradycardia

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