Fetal echo is structural and functional evaluation of fetal heart.
Fetal echocardiography in Vijayawada can be offered to all pregnant women.
It is routinely done at 20-24 weeks period of gestation. It can be performed as early as 13-14 weeks if there is a suspicion of heart defect during routine scan.
It is best performed by gynecology doctor in Vijayawada when the fetus lies on its back and the chest is facing upwards close to the ultrasound probe. Performance of fetal echo may be limited as the gestational age advances owing to the size of the fetus, its position (face down or face up) and the amniotic fluid level.
You must be able to eat and drink normally beforehand. You need not need a full bladder before this test. Don't use any lotions, creams, or powders on your belly upon the day of the fetal echocardiogram.
A fetal echocardiogram is performed by best fetal medicine specialist in Vijayawada in a dark room, while you are resting. It is similar to a routine ultrasound during pregnancy. Gel is put on your belly which helps sounds waves travel from the echocardiogram wand (called the transducer) to the baby's heart and back again. The individual doing the test will move the wand around to get pictures of the heart from various angles.
You will feel some pressure from the wand, yet a fetal echocardiogram isn't painful.
It can require 20 minutes get the images needed to see all the parts of the heart. Sometimes, the position of the baby can make it hard to see the heart, and the test will be performed after a while
After the fetal medicine consultant completes the examination of heart, fetal echo report will be issued in an hour. If there is a cardiac defect found on scan, consultant will counsel the couple about the implications of abnormality detected and further plan of action. Couple would be advised to meet pediatric cardiologist to understand the postnatal management and outcome of the condition.
Intention of fetal echo is to rule out cardiac abnormalities and it is difficult to detect certain defects before birth. These include certain holes in the heart or mild valve problems. Sometimes it may not be possible to see every part of the large blood vessels leading out of the baby’s heart. And certain diseases may evolve during pregnancy (like heart muscle disease, heart beat problem, valve narrowing / leak ) which may not be open at that particular scanning time.
Few findings may be a variation from normal but may need repeat scanning to make sure it hasn’t evolved into a defect/ disease.
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